Just Melvin, Just Evil – Classic Documentary About Abuse


Just Melvin, Just Evil – Classic Documentary about Abuse – I’ve posted this for a dear friend of mine. “Just Melvin, Just Evil” is a very hard to find documentary about the tormented family of Melvin Just, a man almo…


Lessons from the Netherlands for Marijuana Legalization in the US

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Authored by social scientists Jean-Paul Grund and Joost Breeksema of Research Center in Utrecht, the report, Coffee Shops and Compromise: Separated Illicit Drug Markets in the Netherlands tells the history of the Dutch approach and …
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When Web users search that term, high on the list is a link to reviews of the pot strain "blue cheese" on Leafly.com, the medical cannabis website Privateer bought a year and a half ago and which it calls the Yelp of weed. "We've got Wikipedia blue …
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Turin Youth Race Against Drug Abuse

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Church of Scientology Turin took a leading role in this year's Festival of San Giovanni with the message of the United Nations International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. Los Angeles, CA … The Church of Scientology has published a …
Read more on Watch List News (press release)


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21 Responses to Just Melvin, Just Evil – Classic Documentary About Abuse

  • ricaldrich says:

    Odd how the human mind works I would? have knocked the dogshit out of this guy

  • Faylum1 says:

    I fail to see how traumatic the difference is between children who are abused physically to sexually. Sexual abuse gets so much attention because of how ‘gross’ or ‘wrong’ society makes it look.
    I just believe that if physical and mental violence can be such a minor thing by comparison then why should i care about some trailer park trash?
    I? suppose in a way i don’t care because unless a child is sexually abused no one really gives a shit. Unless the violence is of epic grandeur that is.

  • Silberkrone666 says:

    Moron.? Noone deserves death.

  • Mimi Pham says:

    My personal opinion is stupid people with unreasonable opinions and bad grammar shouldn’t have kids or families. They pass on their ignorance and stupidity to their children as? ignorance is a trans-generational disease. Then the population grows with more ignorance and ignorant people who are so ridiculously ignorant, they’re not even willing to open their minds or become educated. Sounds familiar?

  • charliebmoify says:

    Roll? the wheelchair off the pier

  • bluebeeem says:

    how did get here i was watching ghost stories…… these people are scum of the? earth

  • Lisa Gray says:

    I can’t believe they? visited him. Hugged him, even. It’s disgusting…

  • Hailie Deavey says:

    This is? so sad i pray for these abused people this is very sad!!

  • alexandermcqueen1221 says:

    Really? Do you even know what the Betty Ford Clinic is? No one here has made any comments they? would even come close to suggesting that they thought this was the Betty Ford Clinic. Your not funny.

  • summerroseable says:

    wow i wouldn’t have been able to go near that son of? a bitch

  • Hailie Deavey says:

    Wow that mother was sick! Im a single mom and im staying single?

  • alexandermcqueen1221 says:

    Please do not? breed. Thats my opinion…ha!

  • summerroseable says:

    these mothers? are unbelievable they have no concern for their children

  • Tracey Goodhall says:

    These “people” are the product of sexual child abuse sustained over a long period of time, their innocence was brutally stolen from them by the person who was suppose to protect them…..they have had NO counselling when the abuse took place so now they self medicate ie alcohol and maybe drugs…..yes they live like trailer park trash, but tell me how ARE they suppose to behave and live a “normal” life? after what they have had to endure?

  • summerroseable says:

    shit and i thought? i had issues with my family

  • summerroseable says:

    wait wtf is he? justifying incest,his fucking half sister

  • Tracey Goodhall says:

    @Keybaangle3….Are you mentally challenged, have you been dropped on your head at birth, was the umbilical cord wrapped a lil tight around your neck at birth to prevent oxygen from reaching your brain causing you to be slightly re-tarted? and defective or are you a pedophile? Please enlighten us simple folk who have been subjected to sexual child abuse and how we enjoyed it? These poor people have suffered atrocities that you would probably crumble if it happened to you.You stupid moron!

  • MuslimArabgirl2013 says:

    Shias are a sect. Maybe something happened to you in your life but don’t blame it on Islam. Everything you said about Prophet Muhammad, May peace be upon Him is an absolute lie. I feel sorry you live with so much hate, it souns exhausting.I advise you to see a councelor, don’t stay? like that.

  • Meshal Rivera says:

    im the child of someone who was molested as a child. my mother is an amazing mother. and your opinion is cruel and heartless. my mother and her sisters and brother were molested and not ONE molested their? children.

  • Amanda Mohammed says:

    The reason i really want to believe in? hell is to believe that this vile piece of shit is suffering and being tortured repetitively for the rest of eternity!!!

  • sandy wilson says:

    Case closed, Alex. It is my personal opinion and I’m sticking with it. HA!?

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