How Much Has the Church of Scientology Paid in Court Settlements This Past Year?

Question by Steven: How much has the Church of Scientology paid in court settlements this past year?
Scientology seems to be bleeding money in legal cases.

Last year, Debby Cook, a former Scientology executive, testified in Texas court about she and other members received in the Church. Scientology settled.

Last year, Paul Marrick and Greg Arnold, 2 private investigators hired by Scientology to spy on an ex-member, sued when the church allegedly didn’t pay up its part of the bargain; Scientology settled.

Now Narconon Georgia, a Scientologist drug rehab center, paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to a family who sued them after their son, a Marine Corps veteran named Patrick Desmond, died there.

How much money has Scientology paid in court settlements this past year? Do Scientologists like that the money they use to pay for “auditing” and “sec checks” is being used for legal fees and settlements? What ever happened to the good old days of Scientologists chanting “Not one thin dime for Wollersheim?”

(Wollersheim was awarded millions of dollars in a suit against Scientology in the 1980s; “Not one thin dime for Wollersheim” was a popular slogan amongst Scientologists at the time)
Fabio : “I don’t know. I never asked.
Reading an IT magazine I know that Samsung sued Apple for the infringement of patents related to wireless telecommunications technology.
Interesting isn’t it?”

No Fabio. That isn’t interesting to me at all; Upper Indoc TR Fail

Best answer:

Answer by zig
depend on the country and region you are from, significant amount to NONE.

What do you think? Answer below!


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5 Responses to How Much Has the Church of Scientology Paid in Court Settlements This Past Year?

  • dudeman612 says:

    Scientology is a dangerous cult that needs to be destroyed!

  • loveismysymbol says:

    man i feel bad for tom cruise smh…

  • Dark Angel 2 says:

    It would be a drop in the bucket compared to what they receive from the “SUCKERS” who support them WTF it shows just how Dumb and Gullible some people are Scientology is a Cancer and Governments should treat them as such

  • Teena says:

    Scientology, The Catholic Church/Vatican, Funamentalist LDS should all be bleedng money for the damage they have done to people. When will humans ever learn? STOP BEING SHEEPLE!

  • Variable says:

    In recent years under David Miscavige, Scientology has dropped all pretence of not being what it is: a money grabbing cult whose sole purpose is to fleece its members of everything they have. They have rooms full of telephone operators calling members several times a day begging for money on the pretence that it’s going to some worthy overseas mission or disaster relief fund. In reality it gets spent giving Miscavige the lifestyle of an emperor and building grandiose new premises which look good in the sales brochures but are in fact mostly empty. Despite that they have billions tucked away and can easily afford a few million-dollar settlements. What’s really damaging about those settlements, however, is the publicity which surrounds them and the disastrous effect it has on their credibility.

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