high school

High Schools, Places to Live, Places to Be in Portland Oregon?

Question by Morgen Moung: High schools, places to live, places to be in Portland Oregon?
I’m moving from Alaska to Portland and it will be my senior year. I like my weed and I like my social life. I’m not into super weird people but I like people with personality. Where is the best place to go to high school for a chill atmosphere and attractive people, where’s the best place to live or at least a break down of what parts of the city are what. I’m an only child and I’m not trying to spend my senior year at home alone!(:

Best answer:

Answer by William C.
you need help for your drug addiction.

What do you think? Answer below!



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Marijuana legalization inevitable nationwide, poll finds

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The poll suggested that despite shifting attitudes on legalization, the public remains concerned about drug abuse, with 32 percent of those surveyed calling it a crisis and 55 percent of respondents viewing it as a serious national problem. And a …
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Sicklier Enrollees in Earliest Stage of Health Law: Study

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People who signed up early for insurance through the new marketplaces were more likely to be prescribed drugs to treat pain, depression and H.I.V. and were less likely to need contraceptives, according to a new study that provides a much-anticipated …
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